While birthdays had already been celebrated before our departure to Shanghai, try explaining to a four year old that since we already had a party, there are no repeats. One per year per person is the deal, kid. So we broke down (read, me) and bought bikes for the kids as the old ones were left back in Minnesota.


  Raili is getting up early for her surprise before David left for work.


Kai wasn't as agreeable to being woken up early. Apologies for the quality but target was moving rapidly...


Bikes were waiting in the living room.


Kai on a test drive.


Raili trying hers out in the park. Notice Baby Vauva is also along in the back.

In the evening we had cake (thanks to Adam!). The Shanghainese really know their cakes even if presentation is a bit different from the west.



Afterwards I caught Kai in his room trying to blow his night light (which looks like a single candle on the wall) saying "Happy Kai (blow!), Happy Kai (blow!)", apparently singing happy birthday to himself.