The major delay in new postings is of course due to the fact that the entire crew traveled to Minnesota for the second half of November. It was Raili and Kai's first time back in the States (a year and a half) and while their parents slaved away, it was a great chance for them to connect again with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.


I admit it was a big shock to go from +20C to -5C in less than 24 hours (about 60F to below freezing), and it felt like I never quite warmed up. Kids on the other hand were fine with heavy duty thermal underwear and good winter coats. After being away for awhile, we the adults took notice of the abundance of clean and fresh food, crisp air and traffic patterns that do not defy logic. It felt good to drive a car even if you did have to park a football field away on a Black Friday. I needed not to play charades at every department store and felt like a million bucks when Centerpoint Energy thanked ME for renewing our service plan for the house.  

All in all, it was very, very nice. I think Raili summed it up best after coming back from her very first sleep over at the cousins house when she asked me in a Dr. Evil kind of way - "Can I stay here for another HUNDRED weeks?