Raili's school had an activity day where parents were invited to join. Since D was in Japan and I was feeling brave after a few intensive Chinese classes, Raili and I ventured out together to take part in the games.

In class, each kid was given a sheet which I assume told parents what to do and where to go. Since the teachers couldn't explain the sheet in English and my reading is at zero, we decided to follow the crowd and see what everyone was doing.

The first station was a chop stick game where you had to pick as many lima beans with your chopsticks as you could for one minute. A three year old beat me mano-a-mano, so let's just say we didn't get off to a great start.

Raili did much better at the obstacle course as well as the vegetable sorting table. We got scolded, however at the bookshelf station where we were supposed to put books in. I told Raili to pile them high and apparently you were supposed to lay them flat next to one another....ups. No stars for us there either...(the piece of paper was used to record the performance at each station from one star to three).


Raili going through the obstacle course.

Last we got to the milk drinking and pigeon egg eating table. The milk was warm and the eggs were, well, different looking. Sensing this was our last chance to earn a star or two, we dug right in. Raili pealed the eggs while I was trying the stab the milk container that read "School Milk of China" with the flimsy plastic straw.


 We were successful in our quest and earned a single shiny star on our sheet.


(Peeling can be an intense sport!)

Afterwards we turned our scoring sheets in and the principle was trying to figure out how it was possible to only have one star. She wasn't sure if we should be given the prizes or not (a chocolate wafter and a sheet or stickers) since our performance was, well, below levels ever seen before. But I think she felt sorry enough for us so we walked away with the loot. Aftwards Raili and I played hairdresser in her class before heading home.


Raili trying to figure out how much to charge for my new "highlights".


Raili with the juice cups. I hope she knows her own number...