What is it about finding the best Chinglish on signs in bathrooms? Saw these ones at the Pearl Market the other day, one in men's and the other in women's bathroom.

The first sign was above the toilet bowl in women's bathroom. Something about a queen (me or the throne?) irrigating with an invitation just didn't immediately ring a bell inside the teeny bathroom stall.


So when I came back laughing, David decided to go see if they had signs for the guys around the corner. They did:


Wow. What's that all about? No idea but now we were dying to find out.

We tried plugging the sentences into our electronic translator but they came back just as funny. Thanks to my colleague Han, we now understand that in the first sign, we are simply asked to flush (irrigation) after (same character as the second character for queen) we're done with the business. The second sign, which by the way was above the urinals, it's a bit more complicated. It's actually a little saying and Han came up with a great translation capturing also the rhyming part; "If you come in a rush, don't leave before you flush."

And now it all makes perfect sense again!