Mummu and Pappa came for a visit in the end of March and it was fun to see Shanghai through their perspective - This was my dad's first time in China and my mom's second. (All of the pictures below are from Pappa's camera) 

They left behing a snowy Helsinki:


...and eight hours later arrived to see lots of trees, shrubs and flowers blooming.


Spring in Shanghai reminds me a lot of Washington DC with blooming Magnolia, Cherry and Dog Wood trees.



They also had a chance to take long walks around the neighborhood and while doing so, discover many new shops and sites we have not yet seen, including a great park with boat rides and an aquarium just a fifteen minute walk from our apartment.


Neighborhood behind our compound, across the river.


Traffic around Gubei Lu - a few blocks away from our home street.


Middle School kids during PE class. My mom was especially impressed at the straight lines even the little kindergarteners would maintain during field trips to near by parks.

The final weekend we visited YuYuan Garden before M&P flew back home. With everything blooming, it couldn't have been much prettier.
